Ibanez IJSR190N Jumpstart Bass Metallic Light Blue w/Gig Bag, 10W Amp, Tuner, Strap, & Cable

Ibanez IJSR190N Jumpstart Bass Metallic Light Blue w/Gig Bag, 10W Amp, Tuner, Strap, & Cable


Ibanez’s Soundgear Models have sleek and comfortable necks and the frets are not as far apart as Fender-Styled basses.

Ibanez’s Soundgear Models have sleek and comfortable necks and the frets are not as far apart as Fender-Styled basses. I own a 4-string and a 6-string. PenTab owns a 5-string. I’ve recommended these models and these starter packs to many! Great quality, and a lot more bang for your buck especially when you’re starting out!


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